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Community Strategy Since 2000, the Fédération des communautés francophones et acadienne (FCFA) du Canada (Federation of Francophone and Acadian Communities of Canada) has played a leading role at the national level in Francophone immigration.


Guide to the Inclusion of People from Culturally Diverse Backgrounds in Canada’s Francophone and Acadian Communities” (text in French only)

Press release

National Francophone Immigration Week: more than 200 activities and as many flavours (in French only)

Latest video

Elan F : Pratique prometteuse de la CFA de Hamilton

Élan F : Pratique prometteuse de la CFA de Hamilton

Promotion to refugees

Download Tool kit here 

Upcoming activities

[tribe_events_list category="strategie"]


I would like to subscribe to the newsletter “Des communautés plurielles et inclusives” to receive news related to Francophone immigration. ( only available in French)

Twitter feed

Did you know

En 2006, le Comité directeur Citoyenneté et Immigration Canada et les communautés francophones et acadiennes ont établi un Plan stratégique pour favoriser l’immigration au sein des communautés francophones en situation minoritaire

En 2018, les communautés francophones et acadiennes se sont dotées d’un Plan stratégique communautaire en immigration francophone (2018-2023)