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National leader

Since 2000, the Fédération des communautés francophones et acadienne (FCFA) du Canada has played a leading role at the national level in Francophone immigration. Recognized as the leader of the Francophone and Acadian community consultation network, the FCFA is also the main contact and preferred partner of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) for all matters related to national coordination of the promotion, recruitment, reception and integration of French-speaking immigrants.

The FCFA coordinates:

  • The 13 Francophone Immigration Networks (RIFs)
  • The Table nationale de concertation communautaire en immigration francophone (National Community Roundtable on Francophone Immigration)
  • The community aspects of the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada – Francophone Minority Communities Committee
  • National Francophone Immigration Week in November of each year
  • The Annual Symposium on Francophone Immigration in March of each year
  • The Welcoming Francophone Communities initiative
  • The Community of Practice on Equity, Social Justice and Francophonie

The FCFA collaborates with:

Table nationale de concertation communautaire en immigration francophone (National Community Roundtable on Francophone Immigration)

Overall, the Roundtable’s role is to promote cooperation among all stakeholders involved in Francophone immigration. This means that members of the Roundtable coordinate the efforts of Francophone and Acadian communities to attract, recruit, welcome and integrate French-speaking newcomers.


  • Serve as a forum for reflection on Francophone immigration issues and their impact on the sustainability, diversity, inclusion and demographic vitality of Canada’s Francophone and Acadian communities
  • Act as an advisory committee to the FCFA to support it in its role as spokesperson for the Francophone and Acadian communities, and as a representative to the government on Francophone immigration issues
  • Strengthen collaboration between Francophone and Acadian communities and consolidate their efforts with respect to Francophone immigration, particularly through information-sharing, national cooperation and the linking of various initiatives. In this way, the Roundtable can contribute to the objectives and priorities of the national strategy for Francophone and Acadian communities in terms of immigration and to overall efforts on Francophone immigration
  • Contribute to the implementation of the Strategic Community Plan for Francophone Immigration (PSC) and the evaluation of progress made in terms of Francophone immigration at the national level, and propose improvement strategies, as needed, particularly by promoting research on immigration in Francophone and Acadian communities

Roundtable Members